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We believe that anyone can benefit from Equilib™

Why are we so confident in our product? We have seen time and again how Equilib™ lays the foundation for better health. It is no secret that our way of life has changed. Our air has become more polluted, our food contains even less nutrients and our lives have become more stressful. All of this contributes to an overworked immune system that doesn’t get the proper nutrients it needs to keep our bodies working at its peak performance.

Equilib™ is a highly sophisticated all-natural dietary supplement that provides nutritional support for people concerned with mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It is made up of a unique and powerful combination of vitamins, minerals, and plant nutrients.

Who Should Take Equilib™?

Our research shows those who suffer from ADD/ADHD, Depression, Bipolar and Anxiety respond well to Equilib™. We have easy to use symptom charts for customers who wish to track daily symptom responses.  As always, double check with your health care provider and/or pharmacist if pregnant or nursing (most have not expressed concern to date).

How Long Before I Notice Results?

The speed of the response to Equilib™ has been quite variable since many factors typically come into play. The best advice is to first allow time for the supplements to work within the system, at least one to eight weeks for optimal results.

Some days I seem to need more Equilib™ than others. Why?

It’s like a wood stove. If it’s chilly outside or the walls are poorly insulated, you need more logs on the fire. If you’re under increased physical, mental, sleep deprivation or emotional stress, your body’s requirements for the basic building blocks increases as well. In addition, if your diet becomes poorer and less nutrient dense, your body’s available supplies become reduced and you may again require enhanced supplementation.

Will Equilib™ interfere with current medication being taken?

Equilib™ is not a drug, however, for those on medications, we strongly encourage you to use the Nutrient Protocol. This simple protocol allows us to work with you and with your health care providers to track your symptoms and ensure they have an excellent overview of your ongoing status, responses and symptoms. Many health care providers report this has been useful; aiding them in their patient’s best care and medication management.


“I was so skeptical, didn’t think for one minute Equilib™ would actually work. I’m a nurse, I’m not into the holistic thing. My son started taking the product and after three months he no longer rages and goes to school with any qualms; he even got three A’s on his report card. Best of all he now has friends. His self esteem is back! He is living his life now, not just existing like he was before. We have our son back! The people at Evince are like angels in our lives; giving us the most precious gift ever.”

–Nancy L., NM

“I am so grateful for Equilib™ since I am no longer DRUGGED INTO OBLIVION. Once again I am able to experience joy, feel secure, and be productive.”

–Brenda G., CA

“Equilib™ has given me a strong, confident, proud child that passed the end of grade test on the first try. He knows what Equilib™ has done for him. I don’t even have to tell him to take his Equilib™ anymore because he doesn’t want to be without it. He feels the difference in his own body.”

–Kyle M., CA

“I was given the ability to be completely rational and I feel a sense of calmness within my entire being. This impacted so many areas of my life. I was able to focus, become more realistic with my time, and respond to things with such a lighthearted nature.  I stopped beating myself up when I made mistakes…and actually just relaxed and rolled with things a lot better.  The anxiety that I would feel on the highway when I would drive pass trucks, vanished.  I was socially more adept.  I felt less critical of those around me…when critical thoughts came, I felt genuinely bad, and would ask for forgiveness.  I was able to listen to others so much better.  I started crying when I watched a very touching film.  I became more discreet and reserved with my words.  I have not felt the need to be a chatter box.  It has been a miracle.  The thoughts that have tried to bombard my mind in times past have ceased.  I am ETERNALLY grateful that the Lord has blessed me with a solution to the problems that I have struggled with in the past…and for most of my life.”

–C.Y., UT

EvinceNaturals® is pleased to announce an enhancement of the Equilib™ formula by replacing Folic Acid with Methyl Folate at the same dosing levels.

For decades folic acid has been used in supplements and as a food additive because it’s inexpensive, easy to produce and prevents Spina Bifida.

However, the body needs to convert folic acid to methyl folate for many critical biological functions including the building blocks to Serotonin, the “feel good” neurotransmitter.  Over time this conversion becomes increasingly difficult. It is estimated that nearly half of the population carries one or two gene mutations affecting this ability from birth. A copy of this mutation from one parent reduces the ability to convert folic acid to methyl folate by 40%, while a copy from both, reduces it by 70%.

Replacing the Folic Acid with Methyl Folate allows us to side step any challenges with the use of folic acid. It provides the needed supply of natural folate, particularly when individuals are under stress and prevents any of the possible negative effects from a buildup of un-metabolized folic acid in the blood stream for the large population of those who are vulnerable.

Will this affect the amount of Equilib™ I need each day to maintain the effects I’ve seen?

Those with folic acid to methyl folate conversion challenges may find they can more quickly reduce their dose of Equilib™, or if already on long term Equilib™ use, may be able to reduce further without loss of benefit. As always, listen to your body and watch closely to observe if you’ve reduced too far for your metabolism.

What if I don’t have any folic acid conversion problems?

The benefits you’ve experience from Equilib™ will remain unchanged.

What if I Have More Questions?

Please contact us directly at 1-877-588-8705 to talk with a customer service rep who can answer your questions in detail.

We want Equilib™ to work for you. We will call you to ensure you have all the information necessary for you to get the best possible results from Equilib™.

Equilib™ is available in two forms, capsules and a powder drink mix.

Download More Information on Equilib


*All material and information presented by EvinceNaturals® is intended to be used for educational purposes only. The statements made about products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this site is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease. Please consult with your own physician or health care practitioner regarding the suggestions and recommendations made at EvinceNaturals®.